Letra de Canción.com.mx

Letra de Alone I Break


La canción Alone I Break de Korn se puede apreciar como una maravillosa melodía que es resultado de la germinación masiva de buenos temas musicales y que se encuentra en la lista éxitos de México, por tal motivo, la puedes dedicar a quien tú más quieras.

+ Letras de Korn

Y dice...

Pick me up
been bleeding too long
right here, right now
i'll stop it somehow.

I will make it go away
can't be here no more
seems this is the only way
i will soon be gone
these feelings will be gone
these feelings will be gone.

Now i see the times they change
leaving us, it seems so strange
i am hoping i can find
where to leave my hurt behind
all the shit i seem to take
all alone i seem to break
i have lived the best i can
does this make me not a man?

Shut me off
i'm ready
heart stops
i stand alone
can't be my own.

I will make it go away
can't be here no more
seems this is the only way
i will soon be gone
these feelings will be gone
these feelings will be gone.

Now i see the times they change
leaving us, it seems so strange
i am hoping i can find
where to leave my hurt behind
all the shit i seem to take
all alone i seem to break
i have lived the best i can
does this make me not a man?

Am i going to leave this place?
What is it i'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am i gonna leave this place?)
Is it always black in space?
Am i going take its place?

Am i going to win this race?
(Am i going to leave this race?)
I guess god's up in this place?
What is it that i've become?
Is there something more to come?

Now i see the times they change
leaving us, it seems so strange
i am hoping i can find
where to leave my hurt behind...

All the shit i seem to take
all alone i seem to break
i have lived the best i can
does this make me not a man?


App para Descargar Música Gratis de la canción: Alone I Break de Korn.

Ya sea que estés buscando simplemente escuchar la canción: Alone I Break de Korn, aprender y practicar habilidades musicales, o crear tus propias melodías. Ten listos los audífonos, conecta las bocinas, súbele al volumen y disfruta de la canción: Alone I Break de Korn.

A continuación, consulta la lista de las mejores y más populares apps para escuchar música en tu celular. Crea tu lista de reproducción (playlist) de "Korn" o la canción de "Alone I Break". Además, disfruta de la transmisión directa o radio por internet a través de las aplicaciones de música disponibles para Android e iOS.

  • ✔ Google Play Music (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Apple Music (suscripción)
  • ✔ YouTube Music (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Spotify (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Deezer (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Shazam (gratis)
  • ✔ Amazon Music (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Idagio (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Audiomack (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ TuneIn Radio (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Soundcloud (gratis)
  • ✔ Pandora (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Tidal (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Stingray Qello Concerts (gratis/suscripción)
  • ✔ Jango Radio (gratis)

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